Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hey Sarah Palin

Even better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OK...cute song, but these folks suffer from PDS - Palin Derangement Syndrome.

I love the way they make reference to cocaine because Barack Obama would be the first president to have USED coke.

If being the governor of the largest state in the union doesn't qualify you for VP, how does being a community organizer qualify you for being the president?

What executive experience does Mr. Obama have? Being a lawyer for ACORN - which has always been notorious for voter fraud? Being friends with the racist Rev. Wrght? Working with someone who bombed the Pentagon, US Capitol and the NY City Police headquarters?

While I am on the subject, how come when the former governor of Vermont (which is as big as my bathroom). By the way, Alaska is bigger than OK City. I Googled it.