Thursday, October 9, 2008

John McCain & The Making of a Financial Crisis


Anonymous said...

John McCain was completely innocent of any wrong doing in the Keating Five issue. Says who, you ask? Robert Bennett, the Democrat super lawyer who defended Bill Clinton.

You want to know the root cause of the current financial crisis? The 1995 Community Reinvestment Act which forced banks to make loans to people who could not afford it.

Which presidential candidate sounded the alarm about Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? John McCain.

Wasn't Dubbya asleep at the wheel? No, he called for oversight and reform as well.

The democrats in charge of congress said that there were no problems at Fannie and Freddie.

Let's pray that "hope" grows on trees because you will only have "change" left after the liberal president (Obama) and Congress (Pelosi and Reid) tax you back to the stone age.

I wish you checked your "facts" a little better. Your vote will weaken this country.

~wj said...

Thank you "friend" (aka, I know who you are)!