Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Another day in paradise, NOT! I wish I was in snowy Boulder.

I’ve become so freakishly horrible at updating my blog that I’ve even considered abandoning it. Facebook is my new blog and frequent short updates make it easy to keep friends and family in the know. That being said, here’s the latest installment on what we’ve been up to.

  • Late-August – Settled into the new house in Boulder, Colorado (aka UTOPIA). We simply love it there! Had a fabulous trip filled with exercise, fresh air, fishing, elk spotting, biking, hiking, cooking , national park visiting, and pretty much everything else we like to do. Shane’s dad came out for a week and he and Shane fished every day. I took a day off work and finally learned to fly fish. Good times! I celebrated my 29 for the 7th time birthday with our good friends in Boulder and an exquisite dinner by Chef Shane.
  • September – I think this was the last month of summer in LFT. Unfortunately, we didn’t make it to the pool and now it’s too chilly out. The beginning of the month was spent finishing up a huge work project. Thank God that’s over.
  • October – I can’t believe Halloween is almost here! Where does the time go? Spent a week at the beginning of the month in DC for Biscuits and work. We always enjoy the time we get to spend at shows with our favorite band and friends and I always love going home to DC – the one place I’ve lived the longest. Being an Army brat, I didn’t have a chance to really settle down. DC is the closest thing I have to home.

Until the next time I remember to update this thing … peace, love and Biscuits!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Norway Tops List for Quality of Life

The Associated Press reported yesterday that Norway tops the annual U.N. list for quality of life and my mother proudly reported to me today that Norway is the best country to live in. Read more.