Thursday, August 14, 2008


Best new phrase in a movie, “Best Fu3king Friends Forever” (BFFF)! I took in a double feature yesterday evening.

Movie #1: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
Just as cute as the first one with a similar happy ending. One starlet’s story line had me saying, “As If,” but the other three I could stomach and sometimes even enjoy. I cried, I laughed, and left feeling like I got my $ worth. Don’t take your man to this movie! I felt sorry for the 2 men in the theater as I just don’t see this plot appealing to my better half.

Movie #2: Pineapple Express
Pleasant surprise and not at all what I expected! I generally don’t like the “stupid” movie genre but this one had me laughing almost the entire time. The blown off body parts were a little sick but well worth the content of the rest of the movie. Take your BFFF and your man to this movie, they’ll love it!

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