Just got back from running a few hurricane preparedness errands and it was chaos out there. I waited for more than 30 min. to fill the truck with gas. Next I went to Target to stock up on water and other essentials. The parking lot was almost overflowing, the store was crowded, and for a second I thought they were out of water! They had a huge stock of water in the back of the store; such a relief! Most of the canned goods were already gone so we'll have to live on crackers, cheese and apple sauce!
Now off to the pool for some sun before they close it at 5 p.m. tomorrow ahead of Gustav. Oh, and I have to fill out a form and give it to the leasing office because we've decided to stay here rather than voluntarily evacuate. If I sound calm, I'm not.
Phish Setlist: 2/1/25 Mexico - Night 4
5 weeks ago
Hi kids...my first ever blog post, although I guess it's technically a comment to someone else's post... but whatever. W&S: a few ideas for a storm that worked well for me in '03 with Isabel. 1) Buy several tanks of LP gas for the outdoor grill, if there's no electricity, you can use this for cooking almost enything, cleaning, and of course, boiling water. 2)Put a LARGE storage-type container under the gutter downspout to capture all the rainwater that escapes the spout. Hopefully, you'll fill up the container with rainwater, albeit dirty with random tree debris, etc. This is ok, because its primary purpose is not to drink, but to refill the TOILET[tank]! (I did some basic filtering to get as much of the debris out as I could and it worked great). We also boiled some of it to wash dishes, etc.
These two simple workarounds allowed us to basically camp out with no electricity, no water, and no nat. gas for three days in relative comfort.
And FWIW, we all want live video and lots of pictures!! Since the holiday weekend is coming before Doomsday hits, you'll no doubt be visiting friends...so I want to know how many times you hear the phrases "are you ready for the storm?" or "do you have enough water?" during the next three days...anyone care to wager a guess? Peace ya'll ><><
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